

About My Original Translation of Victory over the Sun

My original English-language translation of VOTS was commissioned for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's celebrated 1980 reconstruction of the first Futurist opera. Like the original 1913 production, tickets for this event were at a premium as American audiences heralded VOTS as a signal and transformative artistic event. Subsequently, my translation has been used for productions at Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Hirshhorn Museum of the Smithsonian, the Museum of Natural History of New York, the Garage Museum of Moscow, Boston University, and internationally at scores of theaters, museums, and colleges.

Please see the New York Times articles “THEATER: 'VICTORY OVER THE SUN'

as well as coverage in Russia Beyond the Headlines: THE ENDURING APPEAL OF THE RUSSIAN AVANT-GARDE


A READER: How extraordinary life without the past is!


My Other Translations

My translation life has included some joyous projects, including the landmark anthology Twenty-first Century Russian Poetry, which I edited (featured in Russia Beyond the Headlines, “Fifty Russian Poets Unveiled in Online Anthology)as well as on Voice of Russia and the Poetry Foundation blog). This ebullient collection includes ultracontemporary poetry from Russian and Russian-speaking Ukrainian poets, as well as émigré poetry from the diaspora.

I also have been a translator on the Russian Bible for the Eugene A. Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship of the American Bible Society, especially on its translation and evolution. A major work was the translation of an annotated bibliography of Russian Bible translations throughout the old Russian and Soviet empires and Baltic States spanning four centuries.